Valenti's Bragging Board

Welcome to Valenti's Bragging Board.  This is where member's of our family can post those memorable moments that make us proud.  Please send me those pictures, articles, awards or whatever you want that makes you proud of the children, grandkids, or yourselves (don't be bashful).  Email me your pictures, newspaper articles, sports pictures, etcetera complete with any write up that you want to and I will see that they are posted in our virtual home on the internet. 

And now, a flash of the obvious...I need to have you aware of this disclaimer.  Please remember, anything posted on the internet is viewable by the world.  So if you are uncomfortable with something visible on the internet, please do not send to me to be posted.  If I receive something from you sent to with a short note to post on "Valenti's Bragging Board", that is my permission to post on "Valenti's Bragging Board" on the internet. with that said, let's fill up our bragging board.  I look forward to your submissions!

Who will be first?  This spot is reserved for you.

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